Please click on links below for detailed directions & parking:
Anita Dee ONE Boarding at Dusable Harbor (Boarding at Dusable Harbor)
200 North Breakwater Access Chicago, IL 60601, United States
Click HERE for detailed information.
Anita Dee II TEMPORARILY LOCATED at Burnham Harbor (Boarding at Burnham Harbor)
1559 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60605
Click HERE for detailed information.
Important Event Reminders:
- We are unaffiliated with the parking in the area. Use the map above which details parking options. Give yourself plenty of time to park off and get to the harbor/boat by the scheduled boarding time. We HIGHLY recommend taking public transportation (taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc) to the event. We’ve listed parking lot options below in the event you need to drive.
- ENTRY ON BOARD THE YACHT IS STRICTLY DENIED for any person intoxicated with alcohol or narcotics or in possession of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, narcotics or contraband; this includes ALL THC related products. There will be absolutely no smoking marijuana, cannabis, weed or THC vape pens at any time during the cruise. It is illegal to possess marijuana, in any quantity, on the boat. The boats are regulated by the United States Coast Guard and individuals in possession of Marijuana or other narcotics are subject to arrest for violation of federal laws).
- FIGHTING, THREATS OR AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR: There is a zero tolerance policy before, during or after cruises for any individual(s) fighting or exhibiting aggressive and violent behavior. Individuals making verbal threats or engaging in behavior that is perceived by security or Anita Dee staff as a threat to the safety of others, or fighting in any capacity, will be detained by security and turned over to the Chicago Police Department to be arrested immediately upon returning to dock. Individuals will be blacklisted and denied entry to any future event and no refunds will be issued. If the head of security and/or captain makes a decision to return to the dock and end the event early due to fighting or threatening behavior, there will be no refunds.
- COVID: Anita Dee Yacht Charters will enforce the current federal, state or city of Chicago Covid protocols that exist the day of the event. Facemasks are encouraged for the indoor portions of the boat, but not required.
- DRESS CODE: A Semi-Formal Dress code strictly enforced. If you have any doubts, don’t wear it! Please see below for additional dress code info.
No athletic attire, jogging pants, etc.
No baseball, trucker, fitted, snapback, backstrap brimmed hats allowed.
No neck tattoos, facial tattoos, gang tattoos or gang representation of any type
No provocative or revealing clothing. No undergarments should be visible.
No bikinis or bathing suits of any kind
No gang related tattoos or representation of any type.
Dress appropriately! You are coming on a nice cruise!